In the realm of the IELTS exam, mastering the correct usage of words and phrases is of utmost importance. However, there are certain words and phrases that often cause confusion among test-takers. This article aims to shed light on these commonly confused words and phrases, providing clarity and understanding to help you navigate the exam with confidence.
1. Made of/ Made from:
“Made of” is used when the material being referred to is the primary or essential component of the object. It suggests that the object is composed mainly or entirely of that material.
For example:
“The table is made of wood.” (The table is primarily composed of wood.)
“Made from” is used when the material being referred to is transformed or converted into something else. It suggests that the material has undergone a process of change or alteration.
For example:
“The paper is made from recycled materials.” (The paper is created by transforming or reusing other materials.
2. Maybe/ Maybe:
“Maybe” is an adverb that expresses uncertainty or possibility. It is used to indicate that something is not certain or definite.
For example:
“Maybe I will go to the party tonight.” (There is a possibility that I will go to the party, but it is not certain.)
“May be” is a verb phrase that combines the modal verb “may” with the verb “be.” It is used to express a possibility or potential action.
For example:
“She may be late for the meeting.” (There is a possibility that she will be late for the meeting.)
3. Affect/ Effect:
“Affect” is most commonly used as a verb, and it means to influence or produce a change in something. It refers to the action of impacting or altering.
For example:
“The loud noise affected my concentration.” (The noise influenced or disrupted my ability to concentrate.)
“Effect” can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the result or consequence of something. As a verb, it means to bring about or cause something to happen. For example:
“The medicine had a positive effect on my health.” (The medicine produced a positive result in improving my health.)

4. Ingenious/ Ingenuous:
“Ingenious” is an adjective that describes someone or something that is clever, creative, or inventive. It refers to a person’s ability to come up with original and innovative ideas or solutions.
For example:
“He came up with an ingenious solution to the problem.” (He devised a clever and creative solution.)
“Ingenuous” is also an adjective, but it describes someone who is innocent, naive, or unsuspecting. It refers to a person’s openness or lack of guile or deceit.
For example:
“She had an ingenuous personality and always believed the best in people.” (She had a trusting and innocent nature.)
5. Arise/ Rise:
“Arise” is a verb that means to come into existence, occur, or happen. It is often used to describe situations, events, or issues that occur or emerge.
For example:
“A problem arose during the meeting.” (A problem came into existence or occurred during the meeting.)
“Difficulties may arise when implementing the new system.” (Difficulties may occur or emerge during the implementation of the new system.)
“Rise” is also a verb, but it specifically refers to the action of moving or going upward in a vertical direction. It can describe physical movement or an increase in quantity, level, or position.
For example:
“The sun rises in the east.” (The sun moves upward in the sky from the horizon.)
“The price of gas has risen significantly.” (The price of gas has increased.)
Through this article, I hope that you will understand the differences between these words and phrases. It can help you use them correctly, showcase their language proficiency, and avoid unnecessary mistakes.