Distinguishing between the words ‘each’ and ‘every’ is important in understanding their subtle differences and using them correctly in sentences. While they may seem similar, these two words have distinct meanings and usage. In this article, we will explore the nuances of ‘each’ and ‘every’ and provide examples to help you grasp their proper usage. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of when to use ‘each’ and when to use ‘every’ in your everyday communication.
1. Meaning:
“Each” refers to individual items or members considered separately, emphasizing the individuality or distinctness of each one. It suggests that the items are seen as separate entities. “Every,” on the other hand, refers to all the items or members as a collective group. It emphasizes the inclusiveness and uniformity of the group.
2. Singular vs. Plural:
“Each” is used with singular nouns, while “every” can be used with both singular and plural nouns.
For example, “Each student received a certificate” (singular) and “Every student received a certificate” (singular or plural).

3. Specificity:
“Each” implies a more specific or detailed consideration of individual items or members. It suggests that the items are being looked at or treated individually. “Every,” on the other hand, suggests a more general or collective consideration of all the items or members. It implies that the items are being treated as a whole or as a unit.
4. Frequency:
“Each” is often used to describe actions or events that occur separately or individually.
For example, “She brushed each tooth carefully.” On the other hand, “every” is used to describe actions or events that occur collectively or uniformly. For example, “He goes to the gym every day.”
5. Placement:
“Each” is typically placed before the noun it modifies, while “every” can be placed before or after the noun. For example, “Each student” or “Every student.”
In conclusion, understanding the differences between ‘each’ and ‘every’ is crucial for effective communication. By correctly using these words, you can convey your thoughts more precisely and accurately. So, next time you encounter ‘each’ or ‘every’ in your writing or speech, remember to consider their subtle distinctions and choose the right word to convey your intended meaning.